Saturday, June 22, 2013

New blog makeover

I haven't written in forever but I'm planning to be better and update this more often. I am really excited though because Kaylie Hooser just designed my blog and I LOVE it! She is amazing and you should get your blog re-designed (if you feel like you need a blog makeover like I did) 

Rylie is so big!! She is 7 months and 1 week old. She is saying "dada" and even calls me that! She is seriously the happiest baby and we love it. She is a wiggle worm and does not stop moving. She rolls all over the house and puts everything in her mouth and I'm constantly taking things out! She weighs 18.5 pounds and is 27 inches long. She is my little toe-head with 1/3 of the hair she was born with. Seriously where did all her curls go? :( 

Jason just finished spring semester at BYU and starts summer semester on Monday. Cool break... (2 days) he is working his tail off at the Nutritional sports shop at Golds Gym. What a man!

I am running with my friend Lexi Dastrup with my jogging stroller 3 miles at 6 in the morning... sometimes. We definitely could be better. Trying to get in the best shape, but it's hard! Baby steps to get this body back to its cheer days. I love the summer and have been going to seven peaks with Carly to cool off from this crazy hot weather. Thank goodness for Pass of all Passes! Ps snow cones at Hokulia in Provo are a must have after the peaks. The shaved ice is like powder it's so smooth. Mmm mmm! Go get one. 
I am going up with Jason on Tuesday to talk to the National Guard recruiter, but that's for another blog post! We'll see what happens. I've got a notepad of questions ready to be answered and we'll go from there. Happy Saturday! 


  1. Aw your family is so cute! I love reading your blog so you better keep posting stuff! ;)
    (ps sorry about the above comment I didn't realize I was signed into my husbands account)

    1. Thanks Court & I promise I will be better! :)
