Sunday, October 7, 2012


Jason Brian Evans was born and raised in Laie, Hawaii. He served an LDS mission in Taizhong, Taiwan. He is going to school at Brigham Young University and is majoring in Chinese. He works at NuSkin selling and distributing product in chinese and also has a second job at Gold's Gym selling protein and supplements in the PRO shop. He is an incredible person, hardest worker I know! If he's not working or at school you will find him at the gym or outdoors on a field exercising somewhere. He loves exercising so much, he loves the way it makes him feel and obviously loves the health and look benefits of it too. He's so committed and doesn't miss a day. (I need to be more like him!) Did I mention he's super duper healthy?! He is so disciplined, sure he loves treats and "naughty foods" but he chooses not to eat them and he actually sticks to it. It's really impressive. I make him feel guilty sometimes when I make treats just so I can watch him eat "bad". So bad of me! Jason makes me laugh EVERY single day, I don't think a day has gone by where we haven't laughed together. I love that so much about him! When I first introduced him to my family they were so impressed. They love him so much! He is an awesome brother-in-law. He is a very smart, funny, real, and humble person. Jason loves his family and that's another thing I love about him. He loves getting together and spending time with everyone, sharing stories and making people laugh. The first thing I noticed when I met his family was how well he treated his Mother. This is when I knew he was the one for me! He loves his mama! I also love how much he respects and cares for his dad and his opinion. He calls his dad for advice because he knows his dad is very wise and would never lead him astray. I love that!! ( I think his dad does too). Jason loves his friends!! The first time Jason took me on a date he wanted to introduce me to his friends first (lots of hugging an kisses on the cheek!! I had quickly learned this was completely normal) that's how important they are to him. When you get Jason together with his friends it's nothing but a good time. So much sarcasm and laughter, it's so fun to be around them! (Even if I don't know what they are saying (pidgin talk) or what they are talking about) I love his friends and I'm thankful he has them in his life. I love how Jason treats me and that I feel so protected with him. I love that he honors his priesthood and I can ask for a blessing from him anytime. I love this man and know he will be such a good daddy to our little girl. We can't wait to start a cute family. I am now realizing I could go on for days.... I'm so glad we found eachother and I get to call him mine!

dating: aquarium

dating: easter basket I made him

Engaged: July 13th, 2011

Jason's 24th Birthday

Dating: Halloween 2011 nerds?

Honeymoon: California

Wedding reception: November 17th, 2011
Jasons family

The Blaze game with Tui and Sharr

Tucanos: Kalae, Tui, Jason

groomsmen: 11/11/11

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